Attitude StatusBest Attitude Status for Girls | Images, Cute Girls

Best Attitude Status for Girls | Images, Cute Girls


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  1. “Don’t compare me to other girls. There’s no competition. I’m one of a kind.” <—-Attitude Status for Girls——>
  1. People don’t like me, they need to first raise their standard.
  1. If you can make me feel like a queen, sure I’ll make you feel like a king, but If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you exactly how it’s played.”
  2. My story will be a mystery if your story will stay as history.
  1. I love makeup, it’s the reason for my confidence.
  1. Your heels, attitude and standard should always be high.
  1. “Girls deserve all, who don’t demand.
  2. Just feel that you have an invisible crown on your head. Half of the problem solved.
  1. I’m not a girl whom everyone has; also I don’t have anyone whom I want.
  1. Always try to find someone who not let you face all problems alone, not who leave you in dark time.
  2. You want to throw a stone on me, plz go ahead and throw, I’m not scared of, it’s next stepping to my greatness. <—-Attitude Status for Girls——>
  3. A confident woman is much sexier than anything
  4. Smile is a piece of great jewelry and comfort-ability for women
  5. I might look so available, but I’m like a butterfly, hard to catch and off-course pretty to manage.
  6. Women understanding is much greater than men to understand better you keep your shell close.
  1. You cannot understand a girl, do exactly opposite what they say, and be prepared for world war 3.
  1. My high heels are symbols of my empowerment. Don’t dare to comment.
  1. Guys think they stay in girls mind all the time, excuse me! R u seriously worth?
  1. Do you think I have an attitude? I’m sorry I think I’m too much to be handled by you. <—-Attitude Status for Girls——>
  1. I enjoy my company, no drama at all.
  2. Born princess, now a queen, out of your dream
  3. I’m not a remote, completely un-controllable.
  4. What you said, I’m sorry, I just listen to me
  5. Don’t dare to play with my emotions, it’s same as playing with fire.
  6. I just create a spark, everyone burns themselves.
  7. Are you showing your attitude/? Mine you cannot even handle.
  8. I just grow up and be more mature rather than you.
  9. Do you think Im badass, I’m worse than your imagination.
  10. People think I’m insulting them when I just show then mirror.
  11. Your success is the biggest slap for all, who once underestimated on you.
  12. You are an idiot that I forget frequently. My bad.
  13. You have a problem with my attitude, dude my attitude depends on your behaviour.
  14. Godsend birds on your window, to play angry bird with you..
  15. My broken heart is open for everyone, people can say its flirt, not fair..
  16. Once I was the coolest person on earth, now climate changed, time changed, now I became the hottest one.
  17. Please look under my bed, what is that? Ooh that’s your attitude, laying down my bed.
  18. If someone tries to bring you down, relax, you are above then their reach.
  19. This pain makes me feel I’m still alive.
  20. Go get your own, stop copying my status.
  21. life is too short, don’t waste on the following stupidity.
  22. Stop copying me, be your own version.
  23. Did I stare at you? I forget my glasses sorry.
  24. I’ll spend my entire life with you if you look same as in your addhar card.
  25. I have read it somewhere people learn from their mistakes, now I understood, why I’m so genius now. <—-Attitude Status for Girls——>
  26. If you don’t like anything, change it, if you can’t change that, change your attitude.


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